Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Virgin Territory: Extra Spatial Sexquesters

Welcome to my new blog. Here's where I will vent the labrynthian murmurings of my sexual, sensual and romantic inclinations. Always on the road to new corners of unexplored fantasy--which may be old hat, knick-knacks, paddywhacks, give that dog a bone to some of you--I hope it to be a fun and perhaps invigorating little foray into sharing the twisted and damp inner sanctum of my libido's secret crannies...a place for me to explore and discover what is around every corner, tucked into every fold of our shared humanity as thinking, sexual beings. And if it doesn't work for you...good luck in your search...

Blah, blah, blah...I am just another horny goofball, wanting to spill a little essence in a place somewhat safer than my webpage, my MySpace, my journals which are accessible to people who may not want to read my opinion of whether or not their ass is just perfect or whether their little sister came on to me at their cousin's wedding, whether their wife calls late at night to talk dirty to me because they are too focused on ESPN or the Bloomberg ticker.

Of course, I want to hear your feedback. FInd out your perversions. Read your beautiful descriptions of your conquests, conundrums and cornucopias of twisted vision. I don't want to meet you in public, know your real name, see pics of your cats. I have other places to do all of that. I dig Match and MySpace and more to the point THE REAL WORLD OUT THERE. But sometimes, as someone who has kept journals for more years than I'd like to admit, I love writing about my dreams, my fantasies, my sexual encounters. It gets me off to be sharing details with people I will never meet. Just as seeing a naked stranger at a nude beach, or watching two lovers kiss in an elevator or sneaking into a peep booth to watch a woman you've never seen before finger herself behind the glass...seeking chances to put ourselves into other peoples lives, or what we invision as their lives, without all of the risk, the daily questioning, the ups, downs and humiliations of "playing the game" of real world existence.

Here, as in our dreams, we can be anyone we like. No harm, no foul.

So here's that disclaimer: If you don't want to read about sexual behaviour, sexual situations, graphic language, fantasy and role-playing then please exit now and don't come back.

This is a semi-fictional fictional
blog with certain occasional situations and characters based on composites of various real persons and events from my life. No real names and few identifying characteristics will be used in these scenarios. On rare occasions a historical figure from the public record may appear sporadically in semi-fictional or quoted form.
Once again, this is new to me so if you find this kind of thing appealing, come back and see how things expand. I have a tumescent imagination and some people of interest you may like explore with me... stick around. It may get sticky in here...

My goal, of course, is to find out more about me. What makes me tick. It is a life long process and one that I have been dabbling in for years but have only recently realized that it is truly ALL we really do in life. We just disguise what we find and fuzz its focus so we can skirt all of the real and sometime difficult issues that we may unearth when that mirror is turned on us in some blazing light. Then again, seeing all the cracks, fissures, eruptions and beauty in one's own reflection makes for some epiphanal revelations of character, purpose, compassion and enlightenment into our shared human condition and just how insanely sane we all really are. It ain't why, it just is.

Embracing the moment is the only truth we can really know. The difficulty is in its full embrace. Not leaning on old constructs, ancient, in-bred sympathies and prejudices and fears against the emotions that truth can bring forth. I first glimpsed the fringes of this in the arms of a new lover where while entwined in panicky lust I felt everything I've ever held true to come into question by the sheer falling away of all time and place...

topics to come: SEX AND GOD

to be continued...

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